P-05-871 Make baby and toddler changing available in both male/female toilets

This petition was submitted by Antony Esposti having collected – a total of 125 signatures.


Text of Petition

Within Wales there are many businesses, hospitals and council run parks/sites that don't have baby changing available for use by both men and women. Normally the facilities are only available in female toilets.

This means that men are often forced to hunt out facilities that they can use, or on many occasions, use makeshift measures like changing their child on the floor, on top of wheelie bin lids in toilets, balancing on their laps and on benches outside.

We would ask the Assembly to ensure that all future renovations and new builds within areas open to the public have an area that provides a safe and clean space to change babies/allow toddlers to go to the toilet safely and as a short term measure make a standalone or drop down changing unit available.


Additional Information


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Cardiff Central

·          South Wales Central